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14 June, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

"You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to". --Roger Ebert

Saw An Inconvenient Truth over the weekend. The movie's marketing strategy overhyped the scare factor a bit, but since the global warming crisis isn't unfamiliar to me, I found it more thought provoking than scary.

Al Gore has been preaching about the perils of global warming long before it was fashionable. He took it up as his personal crusade, parting information to anyone and everyone who cared to listen.

His dedication to the cause of educating the public and urging action on this critical issue prompted Paramount Pictures to approach Gore and feature him in this documentary. To date, word of mouth has made An Inconvenient Truth the 7th highest grossing documentary of all time (and still climbing).

Naysayers -- including the Bush Administration which routinely suppresses scientists from speaking out about the issue and other scientific issues that contradict its policy -- insist global warming isn’t real or that there are other explanations for the extreme climate conditions we are witnessing today.

But the issue is no longer debatable. The evidence is damning and the larger scientific community overwhelmingly agrees: global warming is real, it’s here and we are contributing to its acceleration.

In the movie, Gore's slide presentation showed this hard truth in a simple and logical fashion, with data, images and simulations that are hard to ignore. It was interspersed with snippets from Gore's life explaining why he feels so passionate about the issue, giving the movie an intimate perspective without being too sentimental.

As serious a crisis as global warming is, An Inconvenient Truth didn't end on a hopeless note; there are things we can do to reverse the tide, but we must do them now before global warming reaches a tipping point in approximately ten years.

For more on global warming and how to bring about change, visit the movie's excellent web site.

posted at 12:47 PM by City Muse



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